If you made it to this page then you are the coolest of the cool in the audience right now. There’s at least 10-1,000,000 people sitting in this room with you and you are one of the select few with the guts to scan that QR code on the screen. I wonder if you immediately scanned it or maybe it’s been nagging at you for the last 10 minutes. Well it doesn’t matter your curiosity just paid off. First don’t tell anyone that the QR code takes you anywhere cool like this page. Second, you are going to look like a magic trivia genius, as long as you can keep your mouth shut and not giggle too much. How am I going to make you look like a genius? Well I’m glad you asked. Below I have listed all the correct answers to the trivia that is playing on the screen right now. So all you have to do is check your phone, remember a couple answers into the future so you don’t have to check your phone for every answer (don’t be THAT obvious) and voila your friends are going to be so impressed. Practice your acting skills and try to play it up, tell your friends the wrong answer then change your mind to the right answer before it reveals. They may even think you have psychic powers.
Oh and since I helped you convince your friends you have psychic powers why don’t you sign up for my monthly email newsletter, or follow me on Instagram, or twitter or subscribe on YouTube. All those links are right here on the page. Then we can stay in touch, because I would love to hear from you if you can pull this off!
What famous magician was born with the name Ehrich Weiss?
B) Harry HoudiniWho was known as “the man who fooled Houdini”?
C) Dia VernonWhat magician was famous for making the Statue of Liberty disappear?
A) David CopperfieldWhat magician lived in a transparent case suspended 30 feet in the air for 44 days without any food or sleep?
B) David BlaineWhat magician debuted on “The Tonight Show” before taking his famous dove act to the prestigious “Folies Bergere” in Las Vegas?
B) Lance BurtonWhat private club for magicians in Hollywood, features Irma, an invisible ghostly piano player who can play almost any song requested?
C) The Magic castleWhat magician did Harry Kellar pass his magician’s wand to in 1908, thus extending the Royal Dynasty of Magicians?
A) Howard ThurstonWhat Indian magician, most prominent during the 1950’s and 1960’s, was known worldwide as Jadusamrat or Emperor of Magic?
C) P.C. SorcarThe only known footage of the magician Cardini at work is from what television show?
B) Festival of MagicWhat famous magician was killed during a performance of the infamous ‘bullet catch’ illusion?
A) Chung Ling SooWhich Magician impersonated a Chinese magician on stage but was actually a Scottish-American named William Robinson?
A) Chung Ling SooThe famous ‘Sawing through a woman illusion was first performed in 1921. Who was its inventor?
B) P.T. SelbitWhich magician created “Project Alpha”? Where 3 magicians fooled scientists into believing they actually possessed psychic abilities.
C) The Amazing RandiWhich magician was recruited by the CIA to write manuals teaching agents to use trickery and deception for the mind control research program codename “MK Ultra”? B) John Mulholland
What is the title of the first magic book written in the English Language? It was published in1584.
C) The Discoverie of Witchcraft
Which magician was known as “The Queen of Magic'“?
B) Adelaide HerrmannWhich author was an amateur magician?
A) Charles DickensWhich magician is widely considered to be the first African-American celebrity?
C) Richard PotterDuring the civil war, this magician was captured by the confederate army, escaped, and was at Ford Theater the night Lincoln was assassinated.
B) Horatio CookeWho Popularized throwing cards long distances and cutting through produce during the 1970s? They also wrote the book “ Cards as Weapons”.
A) Ricky Jay
Who is widely regarded as ‘the father of modern magic’?
B Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin
What magician has performed on “Penn & Teller Fool Us”, is a best selling magic inventor, and one of the busiest magicians touring colleges?
C) Peter Boie (That’s me of course. If you made it this far congratulations!! Now put your phone away I’m about to come on stage!)